PEEEI provides economic and psychosocial empowerment for vulnerable girls, women and youths by providing access to health care, education, and finances for their businesses in addition to promoting psychological well-being and psychosocial support. This is expected to enable them thrive and positively impact the society at large.
PEEEI envision a poverty-free society where citizens enjoy psychosocial wellbeing.
To achieve immediate and lasting change in the lives of citizens through health, education, economic and psychosocial empowerment.
Transparency, Empathy, Accountability and Mutual Respect.
PEEEI aspires to achieve this mission and vision through response programming in different sectors of operations, including Education, Economic and Psychosocial Empowerment, with special interest in other cross-cutting issues such as Nutrition, WASH, and prevention of substance abuse among youths.
To assist women and youths, especially the vulnerable ones have access to finance for their business through the provision of relevant Seminars, workshops & financial counseling.
To promote the emotional well-being of the girl-child, women and youths.
To provide psychological support to women especially entrepreneurs and those in the financial sector and women in Executive positions.
To provide psychosocial support to widows, orphans, and youths especially those struggling with addiction.
To provide opportunities to enable the girl-child go to school.
“The quality of your life will be determined by the quality of your contribution. When you work to improve the lives of others, your life improves automatically.” – Kurek Ashley